Note: Due to constant changes that can be made on the Gmail server, please consult Gmail for the most up-to-date settings for the Email server.
Pre-requisite: An existing Gmail account.
Note: The Enable IMAP radio button under the Forwarding and POP/IMAP tab need to be selected in the Settings section of the Gmail account. Also Allow less secure apps must be turned on in the Connected apps & site section in your Gmail account . For assistance with enabling and turning on these options, contact Google Support or check Google Help Forums. It is possible to make the Scan to Email feature work without enabling these options, but it may delay receiving the scanned attachment if they are not enabled.
To Configure Scan to Email With a Gmail Address
Configure SMTP Server Settings:
- Open a web browser and enter the IP address of the printer in the Address bar, and then press Enter. The CentreWare Internet Services page displays.
- Click on the Properties tab.
- If prompted, log in as the system administrator.
Note: The default user is admin (case sensitive). Depending on when the device was manufactured, the default administrator password may be the device serial number or 1111.
- Click on Services > Email > Setup.
- Click on Edit in the Action column next to SMTP.
- Click on the Specify SMTP Server manually radio button.
- Click on the Host Name radio button.
- Enter in the Host Name field and 587 in the Port field.
- Enter the Gmail email address in the Device Email Address field.
- Click Save.
Configure SMTP Authentication Settings:
- Click on Edit in the Action column next to SMTP.
- Click on the SMTP Authentication tab.
- In the User Jobs section, click on the System radio button for the SMTP Login credentials applied to email jobs sent from the machine’s touch interface.
- Enter the Gmail email address in the Login Name field.
- Enter the password, and then re-enter the password in the fields provided.
- In the System Jobs section, click on the System radio button.
- Click Save.
Configure SMTP Connection Encryption Settings:
- Click on Edit in the Action column next to SMTP.
- Click on the Connection Encryption tab.
- Click on the STARTTLS (If Available) radio button.
- Click Save.
Configure Domain Name System (DNS) Settings:
- On the Properties tab, click on Connectivity > Setup.
- Click on Edit in the Action column next to Wired Connection or Xerox Wireless Network Interface.
- Click on Edit in the Action column next to IP (Internet Protocol).
- Click on Show DNS Settings next to DNS.
- Enter your network DNS info or in the Additional DNS Server Addresses (in IPv4 and IPv6 address format) field.
- Click Apply.
Testing SMTP Configuration Settings:
- Click on Edit in the Action column next to SMTP.
- Click on the Test Configuration tab.
- Under To Address, type an email address.
- To send a test email to the address, click Send Email.
If the email transmission is successful, a confirmation message displays.
If the email transmission fails, an error message displays. - When finished, click on Logout to log out of CWIS.